Algolib - common algorithms library
Algolib is a project that I did as a seminar work for Algorithm Programming course at
Faculty of Computer Science Iasi.
It contains algorithms commonly used, programmed in a generic fashion with pointers to data compare function and data is declared as void type.
It also contains example of implementations for common graph operations (BFS/DFS, add/remove vertexes, add/remove edges etc),
sorting function comparison.
Most comments and stdout messages are in Romanian but the main implementation is in english.
Algorithms/functions available:
- insertion sort
- quick sort
- merge sort
- counting sort
- radix sort
- graphs implementation
- DFS/BFS Breadth First Search/Depth first search
- add/remove/insert vertex
- add/remove/insert edges
- adjacent graphs
- list and queues with similar operations
- sets
- generic data functions
- generic data compare functions
You can browse source online here
Source archive: algolib-0.0.5.tgz